Maura Tombelli

Maura Tombelli (born 1952) is an Italian astronomer who began her training in astronomy as an observer of variable stars. She is a prolific discoverer of asteroids.[1][2][3]

Education and scientific career

In 1994 she started a five-year survey of minor planets at Asiago Astrophysical Observatory with Ulisse Munari and Giuseppe Forti in Arcetri. She also shared a lot of observing with the discoverers, especially the follow-up of Near-Earth Objects, and she contributed to the discovery of 15817 Lucianotesi, the first NEO found from Italy. She is currently involved in a project to build a new observatory (Osservatorio di Montelupo) near the town of Montelupo, where she lives. She is still the only female astrometrist in Italy. She began her training in astronomy as an observer of variable stars.In 1994 she started a five-year survey of minor planets at Asiago Astrophysical Observatory with Ulisse Munari and Giuseppe Forti in Arcetri.
